We celebrate these victories with the families and newly released, but always with a look at those left behind…
So many are still serving draconian sentences for a plant that is legal in an increasing number of states. We applaud the victories, but please remember to support those who are still imprisoned. Check out the ACTION page to find out what you can do to be part of the solution to this injustice.
John Knock
Ferrell Scott
Craig Cesal
Corvain Cooper
Anthony DeJohn
Way Quo Long
Michael Pelletier
Jimmy Romans
Antonio Bascaro
Billy Dekle
Charles Cundiff
Larry Duke
Darrell Hayden
Eugene Fischer
Leopoldo Hernandez-Miranda
Paul Free
Calvin Robinson

Claude Duboc
Randy Lanier
Craig Frazier
Irma Alred
James Tranmer
Maurice Foley
Rohan Walters
Weldon Angelos